Work With Me
Integral Coaching® programs are scaled to meet you where you are, and are offered in three lengths:
Analyze. A one-two punch consisting of a deep dive into your present experience, and an offer of a way forward and practices to support you.
Catalyze. A three month program which includes the jumpstart of the Analyze program, followed with regular coaching sessions to unpack, connect, and celebrate your experience as it unfolds.
Realize. A flagship eight month program which includes the format of the Catalyze program, but which delves deeper into a creating foundational life change in a significant topic.
The Power of Integral: A Framework For Practical and Lasting Change
Integral Coaching has become the go-to methodology for leaders, governments, executives, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to really commit deeply to their own growth and development. Interest piqued? Read on.
As a certified Integral Master Coach™, I have access to one of the richest and most robust developmental methodologies available to implement personal, permanent change within individuals.
Integral Coaches™ can be found making change on every continent. Our training is rigorous and intense, focusing on our own development as much as learning how to influence the same in others. These aren't tools I unpack and put away at the end of a client coaching session. They are dynamic lived experiences which put me right in it with you.
Total assessment + custom design || 2 sessions $550
You're ready to up-level in your personal or professional world, and are looking for targeted solutions and meaningful perspectives to get you there. A long term coaching program doesn't quite fit, instead you're looking for an immediate kickstart. The Analyze program focuses directly on significant short term impacts, but includes all the same custom design principles of the Realize program in a one-two session combination.
What's included?
A 60 to 90 minute assessment session, conducted in person or by Skype/Zoom, where I take the time and care to explore your unique way.
A 60 to 90 minute coaching session, where I frame the current approach to the path you're on and re-framing it in an innovative new way to move into.
A coaching program outlining your specific developmental objectives, the capabilities and muscles to be worked.
Custom designed practices to set you on your own path for growth.
TOTAL ASSESSMENT + CUSTOM design + ongoing coaching || 3 Months $1475*
You're looking to take a big, deep step into your "what's next" in a way that firmly plants your feet on a resonant path ahead. You're looking for a development path that you'll find out in the real world, not in books and blogs, one that is centered exclusively on you. Through the Catalyze program, I work with you in a direct, ongoing, supportive, and inspiring way to build solid capacities in the edges on which you most want to grow. I bring all of the design principles and assessment tools from the Realize program to co-create with you the highest impact possible.
What's included?
A custom designed program based around the transformation and results you most want.
An in depth assessment of your current way of being, what this way of being allows for and ways in which it’s holding you back.
Developmental Objectives that zero in on specific competencies needed to embody a new way of being and fulfill on your over all topic.
Custom designed practices to work with between sessions that enable you to build the muscles to fulfill on your developmental objectives.
Two 60-90 minutes sessions per month.
Accountability and support between sessions
A powerful completion session, honoring the path that got us there and reinforcing the way forward.
Ready to move? Register here >>
In More Detail...
The Trailhead: Intake and Assessment. Our program together starts with an intake session, a delving into what matters to you and what you're facing. It is here we hone in on what we're going to work on. We explore, through what often just feels like a warm conversation of depth, the way in which you are relating to your topic and where you seek to grow.
I return to you in our next session with the offer of a coaching program. Here, it's important we get it right -- together -- so that it resonates and fits. The developmental objectives of this program determine the trajectory in which my design and your practice will move throughout the course of the program; they become our orienting, measurable intentions. You'll finish this session with tangible practices to begin working with.
The Path Forward: Ongoing Design and Practice. Three months can pass in a flash. The work we do needs to be on point, designed for impact. We focus on calibrating and pipe-lining what's happening in your unfolding experience into real world practices. These practices are what will support growth towards your developmental objectives.
Our sessions in this stage happen by Skype, or in person if you're local, bi-weekly. In these sessions, we unpack what's happening and alive for you, relating the practices you've been engaged in to the elements of our coaching program. We'll honor your new moves and successes, we'll continue to compassionately bring awareness to areas that still seem sticky. In doing so, we calibrate and generate towards our next steps, our next practice cycle.
Between sessions, I am always available to you and check in regularly as we move through the program together. During this time, you're working on practices that we've built from the insights of our session together. I'm here to refine and offer clarity or tweaks where and when you need it. Our way of working here is not by setting a series of goals and having me crack the whip or hollowly cheerlead you towards meeting them. Rather, it's about collaboration, co-creation, and support as we build awareness and skill towards your new way of approach the intention of the program.
The Journey's End: Completion and Life Ahead. As our sessions near completion, we'll find ourselves increasingly tracking what has been emerging for you in your topic and developmental objectives. We refine our focus even more to ensure that our program is meeting you exactly where you need it to. During our final session, we take a deliberate and extensive retrospective as a way to both honor and accurately assess just how far we've come. We pause in reflecting on the ripple effects that have been created by the program in other areas in your life, as well as charting what some of the implications and challenges of the way forward may be. Centered and steady in where we have come and what you have become, you're ready to move forward and beyond on your own.
*Canadian dollars. Monthly payment plan available.
TOTAL ASSESSMENT + custom design + ongoing coaching || 8 Months $3750*
You've got something big in there. You're committed to your development and ready for a full-on transformation. You're looking to delve deep and expand your way of life and your expression in it. I'm ready, with a smile in my eyes, to work with you to do just that. The design of this program is bespoke, elegant and custom fit, rooted deep. If you've been looking for profound change, this is it.
What's included?
A custom designed program based around the transformation and results you most want.
An in depth assessment of your current way of being, what this way of being allows for and ways in which it’s holding you back.
Developmental Objectives that zero in on specific competencies needed to embody a new way of being and fulfill on your over all topic.
Custom designed practices to work with between sessions that enable you to build the muscles to fulfill on your developmental objectives.
Two 60-90 minutes sessions per month.
Accountability and support between sessions
A powerful completion session, honoring the path that got us there and reinforcing the way forward.
Ready to move? Register here >>
The Trailhead: Intake and Assessment. Our program together starts with an intake session, a delving into what matters to you and what you're facing. It is here we hone in on what we're going to work on. We explore, through what often just feels like a warm conversation of depth, the way in which you are relating to your topic and where you seek to grow.
I return to you in our next session with the offer of a coaching program. Here, it's important we get it right -- together -- so that it resonates and fits. The developmental objectives of this program determine the trajectory in which my design and your practice will move throughout the course of the program; they become our orienting, measurable intentions. You'll finish this session with tangible practices to begin working with.
The Path Forward: Ongoing Design and Practice. Working together over a full ten months, we move to find rich fulfillment in your program. We focus on calibrating and pipe-lining what's happening in your unfolding experience into real world practices. These practices are what will support growth towards your developmental objectives.
Our sessions in this stage happen by Skype, or in person if you're local, bi-weekly. In these sessions, we unpack what's happening and alive for you, relating the practices you've been engaged in to the elements of our coaching program. We'll honor your new moves and successes, we'll continue to compassionately bring awareness to areas that still seem sticky. In doing so, we calibrate and generate towards our next steps, our next practice cycle.
Between sessions, I am always available to you and check in regularly as we move through the program together. During this time, you're working on practices that we've built from the insights of our session together. I'm here to refine and offer clarity or tweaks where and when you need it. Our way of working here is not by setting a series of goals and having me crack the whip or hollowly cheerlead you towards meeting them. Rather, it's about collaboration, co-creation, and support as we build awareness and skill towards your new way of approach the intention of the program.
The Journey's End: Completion and Life Ahead. As our sessions near completion, we'll find ourselves increasingly tracking what has been emerging for you in your topic and developmental objectives. We refine our focus even more to ensure that our program is meeting you exactly where you need it to. During our final session, we take a deliberate and extensive retrospective as a way to both honor and accurately assess just how far we've come. We pause in reflecting on the ripple effects that have been created by the program in other areas in your life, as well as charting what some of the implications and challenges of the way forward may be. Centered and steady in where we have come and what you have become, you're ready to move forward and beyond on your own.
*Canadian dollars. Monthly payment plan available.